Palmer, MA Pays Tribute To The Men And Women in Blue

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Palmer, MA — In celebration of National Police Week May 9-15, a roving “thank you” will be traversing the streets of Palmer, Massachusetts. The Stand Out Truck® billboard will express appreciation for the community’s police officers thanks to the efforts of Palmer Town Councilor Robert Lavoie.

“We take far too much for granted what (the police) do,” Lavoie said. “Anytime anything remotely goes wrong, the first thing people do is call the cops.”

Lavoie has witnessed firsthand how the department works, from the chief of police down to dispatchers. It’s a resource he didn’t fully appreciate until he became a town councilor in 2014.

“It’s a community resource and people rely on them,” he said, noting that small efforts like helping kids cross the street and assisting residents in the community are underappreciated.

This isn’t the first time that Lavoie has shown his support for officers. In 2017 he initiated a campaign for the town to paint a blue line down the center of the road past Palmer’s police station after seeing the success of a similar initiative in another community.

Lavoie also encourages residents to post printed yard signs in support of officers. He coordinates the production through a local printer and provides signs at cost to residents and businesses to raise awareness for the department. This year he wanted to take that appreciation one step further.

We take far too much for granted what (the police) do
— Palmer Town Councilor Robert Lavoie

Each May, he normally asks local businesses to post signs for National Police Week. This year he wanted to take the extra step of hiring the Stand Out Truck® to further express his gratitude. The message is being sponsored in conjunction with eight area businesses: Ware Coin Laundry, Wash N’ Wear, Sanderson MacLeod, Paramount Pizza, Northern Construction, Jackson’s Auto Sales and Service, McDonald’s in Palmer and Veri-Cleanse.

Lavoie said that police officers deserve appreciation for the risk that they willingly take.  

“They never know what’s going to happen,” he said. “God knows if you’re going to make it home at the end of a shift.”

 Currently the Palmer Police Department is operating with fewer officers and challenged to find new employees.  Between working longer hours to fill the gaps and dealing with reduced budgets last year, Lavoie believes this week is the ideal time to show appreciation. The fact that these officers both live and work in the community is another reason to show support.


 “It’s a small town and everybody knows everybody,” he said. “Their kids go to the same school as your kids.”

 National Police Week has been in existence since 1962 after a joint resolution of Congress. In addition to honoring law enforcement, it’s an opportunity to recognize officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

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