Beloved Earth Makes Managing Your Airbnb Simple

Easthampton, Mass. - The owners of environmentally friendly cleaning service Beloved Earth Cleaning are launching a new business for managing short-term rentals. Beloved Earth Cohosting will handle all of the details for property owners, including cleaning, design consultations, décor leasing, marketing, communicating with renters and creating a hospitality package.

“Literally beginning to end, we’re creating a hands-off concierge-level experience for the host and the guest,” said Terra Missildine, co-owner of Beloved Earth Company.

Missildine said that over the years clients have asked if her company would consider managing properties on their behalf.

“The idea comes from seeing so many people who are intimidated by the other elements above and beyond cleaning that take up a lot of time, are labor intensive and stressful,” she said. “People want to be able to monetize their property, but do not feel like they have the capacity to do all of those other tertiary responsibilities.” 

They’re currently seeking an initial cohort of rental properties located in Northampton and Amherst to launch the program. That’s near Beloved Earth headquarters, plus the area has a relatively high number of rental options. With a lot of existing staff support in the area, Missildine said they can go where the demand meets the available resources.

An Idea Simmers

Missildine had the idea for Beloved Earth Cohosting for a while, but other challenges then the pandemic put her initial plans on hold.

“Everything aligns at the point that it’s meant to,” she said. The timing allowed Missildine to collaborate with a key teammate at Beloved Earth who approached her with a similar idea. Missildine and launch partner Emma Lehan compared notes to find the best way to make the program work.  

The pause also gives her the opportunity to use The Standout Truck in conjunction with radio advertising to find the right properties for their launch. Missildine has admired Standout Truck owner Mychal Connolly for his enthusiasm and energy. More than once she’s found herself driving behind the truck, a reminder to find a way to use it in her advertising plans.

“I do think it’s a brilliant concept,” she said.  

Don’t Play by the Same Rules

Beloved Earth Cohosting seems to be the next exciting evolution of what they’ve been creating for the past 17 years.

“We are service professionals. We want people to have a streamlined, pleasant experience,” Missildine said. “We bring clients peace of mind, we bring them ability to relax, we bring them a sense of being cared for. With this new business we bring them the promise of all of those things, plus potentially money in their pocket.”

The new concept will provide a hands-off opportunity for property owners while working with Beloved Earth, a company that doesn’t “play by industry rules,” according to Missildine. In fact, prioritizing a triple bottom line is part of Beloved Earth’s approach. 

“People plus planet plus profit equals purpose,” she said. “Every decision gets filtered through that value system. If you’re choosing between people and money, people come first.”

She added that the approach now includes profit on behalf of their clients. “Now, in our vision, everybody gets those esoteric benefits,” she said.

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